DACA Work Plan

Notes from class, 9.5.17 (thanks, Charlie)

Possible Goals:

1. USC as a sanctuary campus
2. Spread awareness to USC students
3. Help create an understanding of what students can do to affect policy at USC
4. Learning outcomes for use in the classroom 

Others ideas from 9.5.17
1. Engage USC/LA groups that exist (links below)
- immigration clinic
- IDEAS (dreamer group)
- El Centro/USC Latino/a Student Association
2. Let affected people speak — be the means of production

Spatial Context --> USC as our terrain of/for action?  "Spreadable" media campaign that taps into "Trojan identity"??  #FightonforDACA ??


1. Look into what's at USC?  (there's a start below)
2. Website  (build a basic structure)  (Eli, Alex ...)
3. Brainstorm Media campaign (ALL: come to class with ideas)


Refined Goals 9/12:
-Contextualize Moment: Past/Future (ICE); voices of immigrants
-Publicize Resources
-Mobilize + Build Support (esp from vaguely supportive)
-Opportunities for action (on campus [sanctuary]; gov: city and national; direct action)
--->Make USC respond: build precedence for faster replies; Sanctuary 
-Support existing orgs/groups (+ stay in touch)

non-DACA students: supportive, *uniformed, *vaguely supportive, (opposed)

DACA Students

- Instagram
-Snapchat filter?  > no URL or # possible  
--local FB ads?
- stickers:  - stick around and hand out;  use union print shop
-film booth on campus >> voice your support
-film festival: + students make short videos to submit
-how to infuse across campus in physical sapce: screens, marquees, projection (ASC; SCA; Harman Lab)
--projections around campus
-make DACA cool
-direct actions;  sit ins; occupation
-easy email to use to contact folks around action  (Quick, etc.)
-how to collect emails/where to share it?
-'thank you' strategies  
-department emails/outreach

slogan: Fight on for DACA  #fightonforDACA

strategies >
attach to USC culture/graphic identity
make issue ubiquitous
physically visible and concrete
?mobilize alums

Review ideas with other groups> is sanctuary at USC the right goal?

Follow ups

Work Groups:  for 9.19.17

1.  Mission statement
2.  Meme database
3.  contextualizing material/history
4. action items/templates for actions   (friends; USC (departments/provost); LA; national)


Coordination/Outreach (among groups)

Various Resource Materials:

Background Research on Immigration:
Syllabus on Immigration by Cornell Historians  (deep historical overview)

The Undocumented Migration Project (U. of Michigan; focus on US/Mexico)

Organizing Groups/Resources:
United We Dream (plus their Toolbox with resources + info; resources for Dreamers)
National Immigration Law Center on DACA (and many other issues)
Undocumented Student Program, Berkeley (resources for undocumented students)
CHIRLA [Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights, Los Angeles] (resources for organizing)
Esperanza Immigrant Rights Project, LA 

USC Groups:

Immigration Clinic at USC
USC Latino/a Student Association
El Centro


  1. Here's a really rough workup of the site, it will change a lot depending on the kind of media we end up using/featuring but I wanted to keep things simple so it will be easy to tweak.

    Vimeo video here: https://vimeo.com/233424858 (password: dreamon)

    I'll walk the class through this tomorrow, and I'll post some sticker/graphic ideas soon.
